redirecting you to, hopefully...

decorative introduction image Welcome to dead-end. I like thinking about art, music, character/world design, women, and some other things, so this site will likely reflect that.

Mobile layout isn't 100% polished, but I'm working at it. The current CSS is a placeholder while fancier sheets are pending. This site was previously hosted by Neocities under the handles yansui & eventual.

Check out my fellow HTML sufferers, 7541326, zoetroupe, and 231!

Temporary credits: Header by Robert Hills, accessed via Birmingham Museums Trust. Homepage image by TauruzVanilla. [As yet unimplemented] styleswitcher by Kale. Pagedolls from Arknights. Any assets not mentioned here are by me.

To do: Fix to keep pagedoll from blocking links when browser is short & wide. Update log archive. Styleswitcher implementation and the art assets that'll require. I want to figure out what's up with Hugo but I have no idea how command line works. Someday I'll put up my old HTML/CSS for fun.

update log

03.10.23. After some domain struggles, the site is working on Teacake hosting! Great! Nothing's changed in terms of content, but I'll be significantly less insane when I work on this site for the foreseeable future. I'll try to get around to SSI and redirecting when I'm back from break.

02.06.23. Edited home & about page content. Added highlight spans, styled scrollbars, converted CSS hex codes to variables. Changed pagedolls to make the visuals more cohesive. This layout may be temporary, but it should still look nice.

02.05.23. I forgot what I did today because I was sleep deprived or something. I was probably just tidying up the CSS and making the temporary layout look nicer.

02.04.23. Minor visual adjustments, set up easy float images, got the mobile pagedoll working. Created a page template and (hopefully) fixed the issues it revealed about my min-, max-, and other width/heights. Wrote some stuff for the home & about pages. It actually looks like a site now, that's exciting.

01.31.23. Imported fonts, adjusted line height, improved mobile layout. Started using Brackets—free, open source, and built-in tag completion/live server preview is good enough for me. Unrelatedly, I had to wrestle with local file previews refusing to load assets unless I put a "." in front of the path. I don't know what this fix really does but sure, I'll use it.

01.30.23. Inserted placeholder pagedoll, fixed up navbar & styleswitcher, added scrollbox class, wrote this and all previous updates. Uploaded everything to Neocities (which hadn't really been updated since 08/22), then improved mobile layout.

01.29.23. Sat down and actually managed to understand flexbox somewhat. Fixed up sidebar & main container; set up pagedoll, navbar, & styleswitcher divs; added footer, inserted placeholder text, set up media query.

01.20.23. Back for real (after ~5 months of claiming I'd work on the site). I didn't get much done due to a stomachache, but at least the header & main container are working.

01.13.23. Created layout mockups for the new site look. Both PC and mobile versions were considered this time. I then realized Atom sunsetting means packages are completely busted and started agonizing over finding a new editor instead of actually coding...